A New Chapter. Welcome to Hunt + Gather

A New Chapter. Welcome to Hunt + Gather

Our doors have been open since February - and when we started this journey as new owners of the shop, we weren't sure exactly how the brand would evolve. Just that it would.

We’ve spent the last few months feeling the vibes, listening to your feedback, & watching what we've been dreaming up come to life.

What we are building isn't just a shop - it’s a vibe, a feeling, a lifestyle. It’s about embracing the thrill of finding an amazing fit, celebrating individuality, and fostering a sense of community along the way.

We believe that style knows no bounds, and fashion should be fun, inclusive, and empowering for everyone. Whether you’re a trendsetting teen, a fabulous forty-something, or a stylish senior, there’s something here for you. Our curated collection spans a wide range of sizes, styles, and tastes, because we believe that true fashion freedom means wearing what makes you feel amazing, no matter your age or body shape.

So why change the name now, you ask?

Because we're not just a store; we’re a gathering place for kindred spirits, a hub for creative expression, and a catalyst for inspiration. A place where cool vibes meet community connection. Whether you’re shopping solo, catching up with friends, or just soaking in the ambiance, you’re always welcome. Age and size are just numbers here.

And while it's a tall order, we want our name to reflect all of that.

Welcome to Hunt & Gather.

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